月別: 7月 2016


投稿日: 更新日:

日々テキストエディタをいろいろ試してますが、久しぶりにEmacsを使ってみようと思い立ち、GNU Emacs 24.5 簡易IME版を入れました。









(setq debug-on-error t)

;; @ load-path
(message "@ load-path")
;;; load-pathを追加する関数を定義
(defun add-to-load-path (&rest paths)
  (let (path)
    (dolist (path paths paths)
     (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory path))))
        (add-to-list 'load-path default-directory)
         (if (fboundp 'normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path)

;;; ディレクトリをサブディレクトリごとload-pathに追加
(add-to-load-path "elisp")
;; ————————————————————————
;; @ general
(message "@ general")

;; common lisp
(require 'cl)

;; 文字コード
(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(let ((ws window-system))
  (cond ((eq ws 'w32)
         (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
         (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8-unix)
         (setq file-name-coding-system 'sjis)
         (setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8))
        ((eq ws 'ns)
         (require 'ucs-normalize)
         (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-hfs)
         (setq file-name-coding-system 'utf-8-hfs)
         (setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8-hfs))))

;; Windowsで英数と日本語にMeiryoを指定 @font
;; Macで英数と日本語にRictyを指定
(let ((ws window-system))
  (cond ((eq ws 'w32)
         ;; (set-face-attribute 'default nil
         ;;                     :family "Meiryo"  ;; 英数
         ;;                     :height 100)
         ;; (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 (font-spec :family "Meiryo")))  ;; 日本語
         ;; (set-face-attribute 'default nil
         ;;                     :family "Myrica M"  ;; 英数
         ;;                     :height 120)
         ;; (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 (font-spec :family "Myrica M")))  ;; 日本語
         ;; (set-face-attribute 'default nil
         ;;                     :family "VL Gothic"  ;; 英数
         ;;                     :height 120)
         ;; (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 (font-spec :family "VL Gothic")))  ;; 日本語
         ;; (set-face-attribute 'default nil
         ;;                     :family "Consolas"  ;; 英数
         ;;                     :height 120)
         ;; (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 (font-spec :family "IPA Gothic")))  ;; 日本語
         (set-face-attribute 'default nil
                             :family "Ricty Diminished"  ;; 英数
                             :height 120)
         (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 (font-spec :family "Ricty Diminished")))  ;; 日本語
        ((eq ws 'ns)
         (set-face-attribute 'default nil
                             :family "Ricty"  ;; 英数
                             :height 140)
         (set-fontset-font nil 'japanese-jisx0208 (font-spec :family "Ricty")))))  ;; 日本語

;; スタートアップ非表示
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
;; scratchの初期メッセージ消去
(setq initial-scratch-message "")
;; ツールバー非表示
(tool-bar-mode -1)

;; メニューバーを非表示
;;(menu-bar-mode -1)

(message "@ Window setting")

;; スクロールバー非表示
;;(set-scroll-bar-mode nil)
;; タイトルバーにファイルのフルパス表示
(setq frame-title-format
      (format "%%f – Emacs@%s" (system-name)))
;; 行番号表示
(global-linum-mode t)
(set-face-attribute 'linum nil
                    :foreground "#800"
                    :height 0.9)

;; 行番号フォーマット
;;(setq linum-format "%4d")
;; 括弧の範囲内を強調表示
(show-paren-mode t)
(setq show-paren-delay 0)
(setq show-paren-style 'expression)

;; 括弧の範囲色
(set-face-background 'show-paren-match-face "#500")

;; 選択領域の色
(set-face-background 'region "#555")
;; 行末の空白を強調表示
(setq-default show-trailing-whitespace t)
(set-face-background 'trailing-whitespace "#b14770")

;; タブをスペースで扱う
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

;; タブ幅
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won’t work right.
'(column-number-mode t)
'(cua-mode t nil (cua-base))
'(current-language-environment "Japanese")
'(show-paren-mode t)
'(tab-width 4)
'(tool-bar-mode nil))

;; yes or noをy or n
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

;; 最近使ったファイルをメニューに表示
(recentf-mode t)

;; 最近使ったファイルの表示数
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 10)

;; 最近開いたファイルの保存数を増やす
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 3000)
;; ミニバッファの履歴を保存する
(savehist-mode 1)

;; ミニバッファの履歴の保存数を増やす
(setq history-length 3000)

;; バックアップを残さない
(setq make-backup-files nil)
;; 番号付けによる複数保存
(setq version-control     t)  ;; 実行の有無
(setq kept-new-versions   5)  ;; 最新の保持数
(setq kept-old-versions   1)  ;; 最古の保持数
(setq delete-old-versions t)  ;; 範囲外を削除
;; 行間
(setq-default line-spacing 0)

;; 1行ずつスクロール
(setq scroll-conservatively 35
       scroll-margin 0
       scroll-step 1)
(setq comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t) ;; shell-mode

;; フレームの透明度
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(0.85))

;; モードラインに行番号表示
(line-number-mode t)

;; モードラインに列番号表示
(column-number-mode t)

;; C-Ret で矩形選択
;; 詳しいキーバインド操作:http://dev.ariel-networks.com/articles/emacs/part5/
(cua-mode t)
(setq cua-enable-cua-keys nil)

;; ————————————————————————
;; @ modeline
(message "@modeline")
;; モードラインの割合表示を総行数表示
(defvar my-lines-page-mode t)
(defvar my-mode-line-format)

(when my-lines-page-mode
  (setq my-mode-line-format "%d")
  (if size-indication-mode
      (setq my-mode-line-format (concat my-mode-line-format " of %%I")))
  (cond ((and (eq line-number-mode t) (eq column-number-mode t))
         (setq my-mode-line-format (concat my-mode-line-format " (%%l,%%c)")))
        ((eq line-number-mode t)
         (setq my-mode-line-format (concat my-mode-line-format " L%%l")))
        ((eq column-number-mode t)
         (setq my-mode-line-format (concat my-mode-line-format " C%%c"))))

  (setq mode-line-position
        '(:eval (format my-mode-line-format
                        (count-lines (point-max) (point-min))))))
;; ————————————————————————
;; @ key bind
(message "@ key bind")

;; バックスラッシュ
(define-key global-map (kbd "M-|") "\\")

;; globalなC-zを無効化
(global-unset-key "\C-z")

(load-theme 'deeper-blue t)

(message "@Window")
;; (setq initial-frame-alist
;;      '((top . 1) (left . 1) (width . 80) (height . 55)))

;; (setq default-frame-alist
;;       (append (list '(foreground-color . "azure3")
;;     '(background-color . "black")
;;     '(border-color . "black")
;;     '(mouse-color . "white")
;;     '(cursor-color . "white")
;;     '(width . 70)  ;; <- ココと
;;     '(height . 33)  ;; <- ココの数字
;;     '(alpha . (80 60 40 40))
;;     )
;;               default-frame-alist))
(setq initial-frame-alist
       '((top . 1)    ; フレームの Y 位置(ピクセル数)
      (left . 470)    ; フレームの X 位置(ピクセル数)
    (width . 105)    ; フレーム幅(文字数)
     (height . 41)   ; フレーム高(文字数)
     ) initial-frame-alist))
;;フォントMyrica M 用 width 105,height 40
;;フォントVl Gothic 105,33
;;フォントConsolasとIPA Gothic 94,35
;;Ricty Diminished 105,41 

;;  (require 'package)
;;  (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/"))
;;  (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"))
;;  (fset 'package-desc-vers 'package–ac-desc-version)
;;  (package-initialise)

;; ;;auto-install
;; (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/auto-install/"))
;; (require 'auto-install)
;; (auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name t)
;; (auto-install-compatibility-setup)
;; ————————————————————————
;; @ menu-tree.el
(message "@ menu-tree")
;; メニューバー日本語化
;; http://www11.atwiki.jp/s-irie/pages/13.html
;; (if (and (= emacs-major-version 22)
;;          (eq window-system 'x))
;;     (setq menu-tree-coding-system 'utf-8))
;; (require 'menu-tree nil t)

;; ————————————————————————
;; @ tabbar.el
(message "@ tabbar")
;; タブ化
;; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/tabbar.el
;;(require 'cl)
;; (require 'tabbar nil t)

;; ;; scratch buffer以外をまとめてタブに表示する
;; (setq tabbar-buffer-groups-function
;;       (lambda (b) (list "All Buffers")))
;; (setq tabbar-buffer-list-function
;;       (lambda ()
;;         (remove-if
;;          (lambda(buffer)
;;            (unless (string-match (buffer-name buffer)
;;                                  "\\(*scratch*\\|*Apropos*\\|*shell*\\|*eshell*\\|*Customize*\\)")
;;              (find (aref (buffer-name buffer) 0) " *"))
;;            )
;;          (buffer-list))))

;; ;; tabbarを有効にする
;; (tabbar-mode 1)

;; ;; ボタンをシンプルにする
;; (setq tabbar-home-button-enabled "")
;; (setq tabbar-scroll-right-button-enabled "")
;; (setq tabbar-scroll-left-button-enabled "")
;; (setq tabbar-scroll-right-button-disabled "")
;; (setq tabbar-scroll-left-button-disabled "")

;; ;; Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Shift-Tab でタブを切り替える
;; (dolist (func '(tabbar-mode tabbar-forward-tab tabbar-forward-group tabbar-backward-tab tabbar-backward-group))
;;   (autoload func "tabbar" "Tabs at the top of buffers and easy control-tab navigation"))
;; (defmacro defun-prefix-alt (name on-no-prefix on-prefix &optional do-always)
;;   `(defun ,name (arg)
;;      (interactive "P")
;;      ,do-always
;;      (if (equal nil arg)
;;          ,on-no-prefix
;;        ,on-prefix)))
;; (defun-prefix-alt shk-tabbar-next (tabbar-forward-tab) (tabbar-forward-group) (tabbar-mode 1))
;; (defun-prefix-alt shk-tabbar-prev (tabbar-backward-tab) (tabbar-backward-group) (tabbar-mode 1))
;; (global-set-key [(control tab)] 'shk-tabbar-next)
;; (global-set-key [(control shift tab)] 'shk-tabbar-prev)

;; ;; GUIで直接ファイルを開いた場合フレームを作成しない
;; (add-hook 'before-make-frame-hook
;;           (lambda ()
;;             (when (eq tabbar-mode t)
;;               (switch-to-buffer (buffer-name))
;;               (delete-this-frame))))

(defun asterisked? (buf-name)
  (= 42 (car (string-to-list buf-name))))

(defun move-to-scratch ()
  (let ((current-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
    (while (and (not (string= "*scratch*" (buffer-name)))
                (not (string= current-buffer-name (buffer-name))))

(defun next-buffer-with-skip* ()
  (let ((current-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
    (while (and (asterisked? (buffer-name))
                (not (string= current-buffer-name (buffer-name))))

(defun previous-buffer-with-skip* ()
  (let ((current-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
    (while (and (asterisked? (buffer-name))
                (not (string= current-buffer-name (buffer-name))))

(global-set-key "\C-z\C-b" 'previous-buffer-with-skip*)
(global-set-key "\C-z\C-f" 'next-buffer-with-skip*)
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won’t work right.

;;; smooth-scroll
(require 'smooth-scroll)
(smooth-scroll-mode t)

;; スクロールした際のカーソルの移動行数
;;  (setq scroll-conservatively 1)
;;   ;; スクロール開始のマージンの行数
;;  (setq scroll-margin 5)
;;   ;; 1 画面スクロール時に重複させる行数
;;  (setq next-screen-context-lines 3)
;;   ;; 1 画面スクロール時にカーソルの画面上の位置をなるべく変えない
;; (setq scroll-preserve-screen-position t)

;;; ホイールマウス
(mouse-wheel-mode t)
(setq mouse-wheel-follow-mouse t)
;; マウスホイールによるスクロール時の行数
;;   Shift 少なめ、 Ctrl 多めに移動
(setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount
       '(5                              ; 通常   (デフォルト 5)
        ((shift) . 1)                   ; Shift  (デフォルト 1)
        ((control) . 40)                ; Ctrl   (デフォルト nil = 無効)
;; (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1))) ;; one line at a time
;; (setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil) ;; don’t accelerate scrolling
;; (setq mouse-wheel-follow-mouse 't) ;; scroll window under mouse

;; マウスホイールによるスクロール加速を無効に
(setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil)
;; マウスホイールによるスクロール量を指定
(global-set-key [mouse-4] '(lambda () "" (interactive) (scroll-down 2)))
(global-set-key [mouse-5] '(lambda () "" (interactive) (scroll-up 2)))
;; または (kbd "") / (kbd "")

;; カーソルのある行のハイライトを有効にする
(global-hl-line-mode t)
;; ハイライトの色を設定します
(custom-set-faces '(hl-line ((t (:background "dark gray")))))
;; ハイライトのスタイルをアンダーラインにします
;; ただしアンダーバーが見えづらくなる問題があります
(setq hl-line-face 'underline)

;;文字コード固定 http://yohshiy.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-273.html
(modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.txt\\'" 'shift_jis )              ;; Text









(require "diff-buffer")

;;◆IE plug-in
(load-library "browser")
(load-library "browserex")
              (global-set-key #\M-F8 'bx:change-browser)
              (global-set-key #\M-F9 'bx:navigate-current-buffer)
              (global-set-key #\M-F10 'bx:navigate-current-buffer-directory)
              (global-set-key #\M-F11 'bx:rotate-browser)
              (global-set-key #\M-F12 'bx:close-browser)
              (global-set-key #\RBtnUp 'bx:browserex-mouse-menu-popup)
              (global-set-key #\Apps 'bx:browserex-apps-popup)
              (global-set-key #\M-Up 'bx:browserex-scroll-up)
              (global-set-key #\M-Down 'bx:browserex-scroll-down)
              (global-set-key #\M-Left 'bx:browserex-scroll-left)
              (global-set-key #\M-Right 'bx:browserex-scroll-right)
              (global-set-key #\M-PageUp #'(lambda () (interactive) (bx:browserex-scroll-up :unit :page)))
              (global-set-key #\M-PageDown #'(lambda () (interactive) (bx:browserex-scroll-down :unit :page)))
              (global-set-key #\M-Home #'(lambda () (interactive) (bx:browserex-scroll-up :unit :all)))
              (global-set-key #\M-End #'(lambda () (interactive) (bx:browserex-scroll-down :unit :all)))

(require "ni/setup")
;; 自動設定を利用する
;; PROXYを通す場合
;;(setq ni::*http-proxy-host* "proxy.******.co.jp")  ; PROXY のホスト
;;(setq ni::*http-proxy-port* 8080)          ; PROXY のポート

;;Netinstallerのサイトを最新にする(*NetInstaller Site*バッファでN)
(defun ni::add-site-from-wiki ()
  (let ((s (ni::http-get-url "http://xyzzy.s53.xrea.com/wiki/index.php?cmd=source&page=NetInstaller%2F%C7%DB%C9%DB%A5%D1%A5%C3%A5%B1%A1%BC%A5%B8%B0%EC%CD%F7")))
     (lambda (x) (ignore-errors (ni::site-add x)))
       (mapcar (lambda (i)
		 (and (string-match "^:[^|]+|\\(http:.*\\)$" i)
		      (apply #'concat
			     (mapcar (lambda (x)
				       (let ((tmp (split-string x #\;)))
					 (if (equal (car tmp) "amp")
					     (apply #'concat "&" (cdr tmp))
					   (car tmp))))
				     (split-string (match-string 1) #\&)))))
	       (let (out)
			   (push (read-line s) out)
			 (quit (c)
			   (return-from ni::add-site-from-wiki))
			 (error (c)
		 (nreverse out))))
      (mapcar (lambda (x) (cdr (assoc "src" x :test 'equal))) ni::*site-data*)
      :test 'equal))) t)
(define-key ni::*site-map* #\N 'ni::add-site-from-wiki)

(load-library "info")

(require "info-modoki-mode")
(define-key ed::*lisp-mode-map* #\F1 'imm-refer-selection)
(define-key ed::*lisp-interaction-mode-map* #\F1 'imm-refer-selection)
(set-function-bar-label #\F1 "infoモドキ")

(setq *filer-use-recycle-bin* t)

;;(load-library "winkey")

(load-library "tterm")
(use-package "tterm")

;;◆TAB_key(CTRL+Qなしで入力 for c-mode)
;;(define-key ed::*c-mode-map* #\tab 'self-insert-command)

;;◆line-top and line-bottom移動キーマップ
;;(define-key   *global-keymap* #\End
;;	    'end-of-line )
;;(define-key   *global-keymap* #\Home
;;	    'beginning-of-line)
;;(define-key   *global-keymap* #\C-Home
;;	    'beginning-of-buffer )
;;(define-key   *global-keymap* #\C-End
;;	    'end-of-buffer)

(define-key ctl-x-map #\C-w 'emacs-write-file)

(require "window-toggle-division")

(in-package "editor")
(add-hook '*sql-mode-hook*
          #'(lambda ()
              (set-syntax-start-c++-comment *sql-mode-syntax-table* #\-)
              (set-syntax-end-c++-comment *sql-mode-syntax-table* #\LFD)))
(in-package "user")

;;◆mode選択Popupメニュー(C-x F3)
(defun mode-selecter ()
  (let ((menu1 (create-popup-menu nil))
        (menu2 (create-popup-menu nil))
        l ol)
    (dolist (m *auto-mode-alist*)
      (pushnew (cdr m) l :test 'equal))
    (dolist (sym (ed::apropos-find-matches "-mode$" #'commandp))
      (unless (or (member sym l)
                  (member sym
                          ;[その他(O)...] にも表示しないモード
                          '(latex-mode clickable-url-set-attribute-any-mode
                            life-mode changelogmemo-mode buffer-menu-mode
                            edit-abbrevs-mode tterm-char-mode fortran-auto-fill-mode
                            info-modoki-mode extlib-mode instant-toggle-tab-mode
                            qanda-mode ese-fortune-mode imm-search-mode)))
        (pushnew sym ol)))
    (flet ((add-menu (li mn)
             (dolist (i li)
               (let ((m i))
                 (add-menu-item mn nil
                                (format nil "~S" m)
                                #'(lambda () (interactive)
                                    (funcall m))
                                #'(lambda ()
                                    (when (eq buffer-mode m)
      (add-menu (sort l #'string-lessp) menu1)
      (add-menu (sort ol #'string-lessp) menu2))
    (add-menu-separator menu1)
    (add-popup-menu menu1 menu2 "その他(&O)...")
    (track-popup-menu menu1)))
(define-key ctl-x-map #\F3 'mode-selecter)

;;(setq-default mode-line-format "--%*- %b (%M) [%k:%l] %P %f [%i]") 
(setq-default mode-line-format "--%*- %b (%M) [%k:%l] %P [%i] %f") 

;;(set-default-directory "C:/Data/") 
(set-default-directory "G:/Data/") 

;;◆google search 
(defun search-google-selection () 
(ed::edict-lookup-selection #'search-google)) 
(defun search-google (from to) 
(interactive "r") 
(if (= from to) 
(progn (message "単語が選択されてない") (return-from search-google nil))) 
(let ((str (si:www-url-encode (buffer-substring from to))) url) 
(setq url (concat "http://www.google.co.jp/search?num=50&lr=lang_ja&ie=shift_jis&oe=shift_jis&q=" str)) 
;;(setq url (concat "http://www.google.com/search?q=" str)) 
; 1. browser.dll & browserex.l を使う場合 
(bx::navigate url :position bx::XPIS_BOTTOM :size 200) 
; 2. 標準ブラウザを使う場合 
;(shell-execute url t) 
; 3. www-mode を使う場合 
;(www-open-url url) 
;(global-set-key '(#\C-c #\g) 'search-google-selection) 
;(global-set-key '(#\C-@) 'search-google-selection) 
(global-set-key '(#\C-F9) 'search-google-selection) 
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F9 "Google")

;;(define-key *text-mode-map* #\C-a 'selection-whole-buffer) 

;;◆F1 で info を起動するようにする。
;;(global-set-key #\F1 'ed::info)
;;(set-function-bar-label #\F1 "info")

;;◆CTRL+Fで検索ダイアログ表示 & SHIFT+F11でgrepダイアログ表示
;;(global-set-key #\C-f 'ed::search-dialog)
(define-key *global-keymap* #\C-f 'search-dialog)
(define-key *global-keymap* #\S-F11 'grep-dialog )
(set-function-bar-label #\S-F11 "Grep")

(require "layered-window")
;; Ctrl+F12 で透明化を切り替え
(global-set-key #\C-F12 'toggle-layered-window)
;; xyzzy 終了時にフェードアウトする
;(add-hook '*kill-xyzzy-hook*
;          #'(lambda ()
;              (if (layered-window-p)
;                (do ((n 100 (- n 10)))
;                    ((< n 0))
;                  (layered-window-set-opacity n)
;                  (sit-for 0.05))))
;               )
;; 非アクティブなときは半透明にする
(add-hook '*deactivate-hook*
          #'(lambda ()
              (if (layered-window-p)
                  (layered-window-set-opacity 40)))
(add-hook '*activate-hook*
          #'(lambda ()
              ;; opaque だとちらつく
              (if (layered-window-p)
                  (layered-window-set-opacity 85)))
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F12 "Layered")
;; 70% のアルファ値で透明化(0 は完全な透明、100 は完全な不透明)
;;(layered-window-set-opacity 85)

;;◆ *scratch* バッファを自動で保存・復元する。
;; *scratch* バッファの漢字コード・改行コードの設定
  (set-buffer "*scratch*")
  (change-fileio-encoding *encoding-euc-jp*) ; EUC-JP
  (change-eol-code *eol-lf*)) ; LF
;; *scratch* を終了時に保存
(add-hook '*kill-xyzzy-hook*
          #'(lambda ()
              (set-buffer (find-buffer "*scratch*"))
              (write-file "~/.scratch")))
;; *scratch* を起動時に復元
(add-hook '*post-startup-hook*
          #'(lambda ()
                (let ((file "~/.scratch"))
                  (when (file-exist-p file)
                    (set-buffer (find-buffer "*scratch*"))
                    ;(erase-buffer (selected-buffer))
                    (insert-file-contents file t)
                    (message "*scratch* restored")))))

;;◆clipselect クリップボード履歴
(require "clipselect")
(global-set-key '(#\C-F11) 'clipselect)
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F11 "ClipSelect")

;;◆chcolor 色変更
(load-library "chcolor/chcolor")
(global-set-key #\C-F10 'chcolor)
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F10 "ChColor")

(defun popup-app-menu ()
  (let ((menu (copy-menu-items *app-menu* (create-popup-menu))))
    (track-popup-menu menu)))
(global-set-key #\M-Apps 'popup-app-menu)

(defun reproduction-line ()
  (let (bol eol)
	  (setf bol (progn (goto-bol) (point)))
	  (setf eol (progn (goto-eol) (point)))
	   (selected-buffer) bol eol))))
(global-set-key #\S-F10 'reproduction-line)
(set-function-bar-label #\S-F10 "Split")

;;◆ .xyzzy を lisp-interaction-mode で編集する
(pushnew '(".xyzzy$" . lisp-interaction-mode) *auto-mode-alist*)

;;◆ Bookshelf Basic起動(終了を待つ) 
(defun bookshelf-call ()
  (call-process "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Reference/Bookshelf Basic 2.0/bs98jl.exe" :wait t))
(global-set-key #\C-F8 'bookshelf-call)
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F8 "Bookshelf")

(setq *status-bar-format* "cupT")

;(setq *initial-buffer-mode* 'text-mode)

(defun insert-now-string ()
(interactive "*")
(insert (format-date-string "[%Y/%m/%d %H:%M]")))
;(global-set-key #\C-M-\\ 'insert-now-string)
(global-set-key #\C-F7 'insert-now-string)
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F7 "日時挿入")

    ;;; バッファ選択ポップアップリスト表示 [C-Apps C-Apps]
;;    (global-set-key '(#\C-Apps #\C-Apps) 'bufmenu-popup)
    (global-set-key '(#\S-F2) 'bufmenu-popup)
    (set-function-bar-label #\S-F2 "buf-pop")
    ;;; バッファバーコンテクストメニューを表示 [C-Apps Apps]
    (global-set-key '(#\C-Apps #\Apps) 'bufmenu-popup-buffer-bar-context-menu)

;;(ALt + [←/→] でバッファが切り替え)
(setq *next-buffer-in-tab-order* t) ; バッファ移動をタブ順に
(global-set-key #\M-Right 'next-buffer) ; 前のバッファに移動 
(global-set-key #\M-Left 'previous-buffer) ; 後のバッファに移動 

;;(ALt + [↑/↓] でウィンドウ(画面内で縦とか横とかに分割単位)を切り替え)
;;(global-set-key #\M-Up 'move-previous-window)
;;(global-set-key #\M-Down 'other-window)
;;(CTL+ALt + [↑/↓] に変えた。変更行への移動とかぶってたので。)
(global-set-key #\C-M-Up 'move-previous-window)
(global-set-key #\C-M-Down 'other-window)

(autoload 'www "www/www" t)    ;通常起動
(autoload 'www-open-url "www/www" t)    ;URL指定起動
(autoload 'www-open-local-file "www/www" t)    ;ローカルのファイル指定起動
(autoload 'www-open-current-buffer "www/www" t)    ;現在のファイルで起動

(global-set-key #\S-C-F5 're-compile-all-file-necessary)
(set-function-bar-label #\S-C-F5 "ByteCompile")

;;;起動は標準と同じでM-x shell
(require "shell3")
(load-library "winkey2")

(defun startend-kbd-macro()
    (if (kbd-macro-saving-p)
            (message "定義終了")
            (message "定義開始")
(global-set-key #\S-F1 'startend-kbd-macro)
(set-function-bar-label #\S-F1 "KB-Macro")

;;◆書込み禁止のトグル切り替え(標準はC-x C-q)
(global-set-key #\S-C-F6 'toggle-read-only)
(set-function-bar-label #\S-C-F6 "書込可切替")

(global-set-key '(#\C-x #\SPC) 'exchange-region-and-selection)
(global-set-key #\C-F6 'exchange-region-and-selection)
(set-function-bar-label #\C-F6 "選択<->Region")

(require "chgline_no_chgcolor")

(add-hook '*before-find-file-hook* 
#'(lambda (x) 
(when (string-matchp "\\.ssn$" x) 
(load-session x) 

; 2画面用 
(setq *filer-primary-file-mask* '("*")) 
(setq *filer-secondary-file-mask* '("*")) 
; 1画面用 
(setq *filer-last-file-mask* '("*")) 

(require "quote-menu/quote-menu")
(setq ed::*quote-use-customize-menu* t)
(setq ed::*quote-string-list* '(">> " "| "))

(require "dabbrev")
(global-set-key #\C-t 'dabbrev-popup)
(setq *popup-completion-list-default* :always)

(add-hook '*init-app-menus-hook*
          #'(lambda ()
              (add-menu-item *app-menu* 'close-box :close-box

(require "outlinex")
    (global-set-key #\S-F3 'olx)
    (set-function-bar-label #\S-F3 "アウトライン")

    (global-set-key #\C-F3 'shift-selection)
    (set-function-bar-label #\C-F3 "インデント")
    (global-set-key #\C-S-F3 'unshift-selection)
    (set-function-bar-label #\C-S-F3 "アンインデント")

 (require "tetris")

;;1 行コメントをトグル
(defvar *one-line-comment-alist*
    (awk-mode   . ("#"))
    (css-mode   . ("/* " " */"))
    (html+-mode . (""))
    (lisp-mode  . (";"))
    (lisp-interaction-mode . (";"))
    (perl-mode  . ("#"))
    (php-mode   . ("//"))
    (sql-mode   . ("--"))

(defun toggle-one-line-comment ()
  (let ((li (cdr (assoc buffer-mode *one-line-comment-alist*)))
        bol eol str keyreg)
    (when li
        (setq eol (point))
        (setq bol (point))
        (setq str (buffer-substring bol eol))
        (if (= (length li) 1)
            (let ((key (car li)))
              (setq keyreg (format nil "^~A+[ \t]*" (regexp-quote key)))
              (if (string-match keyreg str)
                  (delete-region (+ bol (match-beginning 0))
                                 (+ bol (match-end 0)))
                  (back-to-indentation) (insert key))))
          (let ((key1 (car li))
                (key2 (cadr li)))
            (setq keyreg (format nil
                                 "^\\(~A\\)+[ \t]*\\(.*\\)[ \t]*\\(~A\\)+$"
                                 (regexp-quote key1)
                                 (regexp-quote key2)))
            (if (string-match keyreg str)
                  (setq str (string-replace-match str "\\2"))
                  (delete-region (+ bol (match-beginning 0))
                                 (+ bol (match-end 0)))
                  (insert str))
                (back-to-indentation) (insert key1)
                (goto-eol) (insert key2)))))))))

;;comment.l と 1 行コメントトグルを合わせて使う
;;結局これに落ち着きそう。 kia さんの comment.l と,toggle-one-line-comment を使って。 

;;セレクションがある状態で C-; すると,セレクションをコメントアウトする。 
;;セレクションがある状態で C-u C-; すると,セレクションをアンコメントする。 
;;セレクションがない状態で C-; すると,カーソル行のコメントアウトまたはアンコメントを行う。 
(defun comment-out-selection-or-one-line (&optional count)
  (interactive "p")
  (if (pre-selection-p)
        (require "comment")
        (let ((fn (cond ((eq *prefix-args* 'universal-argument)
                         (setq count (list count))
                        ((and (numberp count)
                              (> 0 count))
              beg end)
          (setq beg (selection-point) end (selection-mark))
          (funcall fn beg end count)))
(global-set-key #\C-\; 'comment-out-selection-or-one-line)

(add-hook '*text-mode-hook*
		  (function (lambda () (setq abbrev-mode t)
					  (setq highlight-keyword t)

(defvar *text-paretheses-colorize* nil)
(setq *text-paretheses-colorize* (make-hash-table))
(setf (gethash #\「 *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\」)
(setf (gethash #\『 *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\』)
(setf (gethash #\〈 *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\〉)
(setf (gethash #\【 *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\】)
(setf (gethash #\≪ *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\≫)
(setf (gethash #\〔 *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\〕)
(setf (gethash #\[ *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\])
(setf (gethash #\{ *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\})
(setf (gethash #\《 *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\》)
(setf (gethash #\< *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\>)
(setf (gethash #\[ *text-paretheses-colorize*) #\])

(defun text-parenthses-colorize ()
  (setq parentheses-hash-table *text-paretheses-colorize*)
  (setq highlight-keyword t))

(defvar *text-mode-formats*
	 ("^[□■◇◆○●\.\-].*" t (:color 1 0 :bold))
	 ("^[@].*" t 6)
	 ("[★☆]" t (:color 3 8 :bold))
	 ("\#[0-9]*" t (:color 14 0 :bold))
;;	 ("\'.+\'" t (:color 13 0 :bold))
	 ("[\'][^\'\n]+[\']" t (:color 13 0 :bold))
;;	 ("[\"].+[\"]" t (:color 13 0 :bold))
	 ("[\"][^\"\n]+[\"]" t (:color 13 0 :bold))
	 ("※.*" t (:color 5 8 :bold))
	 ("^>.*" t (:color 14 0 :bold))
	 ("^[ \t]*J[\.].+[ \t\n]" t (:color 9 0 :bold))
	 ("^[ \t]*S[\.].+[ \t\n]" t (:color 14 0 :bold))
;	 ("^[0-9]\{7\}[ \t]J[\.].+[ \t\n]" t (:color 9 0 :bold))
;	 ("^[0-9]\{7\}[ \t]S[\.].+[ \t\n]" t (:color 14 0 :bold))
	 ("(?<=[0-9]\t)J[\.].+[ \t\n]" t (:color 9 0 :bold))
;	 ("^[0-9]\{7\}[ \t]S[\.].+[ \t$])" t (:color 14 0 :bold))
	 ("\tJ\..+(\-|カ|リ| )\/.+[ \t$]" t (:color 13 0 :bold))
	 ("投入" t (:color 9 0 :bold))
	 ("出荷" t (:color 14 0 :bold))
	 ("派生" t (:color 11 0 :bold))
	 ("([0-9]|,)\{2,\}" t (:color 5 7))
  ) ;

(setq regexp-keyword-list *text-mode-formats*)   
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'my-color-text-mode)

(defun my-color-text-mode ()
  (make-local-variable 'regexp-keyword-list)       
  (setq regexp-keyword-list *text-mode-formats*)   

(add-hook '*lisp-mode-hook*
		  (function (lambda () (setq abbrev-mode t)
					  (setq highlight-keyword t)
(defvar *lisp-mode-formats*
	 ("^;;;" t (:color 9 0 :bold))
  ) ;
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'my-color-lisp-mode)
(defun my-color-lisp-mode ()
  (make-local-variable 'regexp-keyword-list)       
  (setq regexp-keyword-list *lisp-mode-formats*)   

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; xyzzyとWindowsのやりとりを少しだけシームレスに
;;; 2005-12-14版

(provide "files+")
(in-package "editor")
(require "grepd")
(export '(files+-grep))

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; 機能:フォルダをドラッグ&ドロップするとファイラを起動
;;; 注意:*drag-and-drop-hook*を置き換えてるのは他の拡張Lispに影響がある
;;;       可能性有り
(defun files+-open-directory (filename)
  (when (and (file-directory-p filename)
             (not *files+-grep*))
    ; 経験的に待ちを入れる
    (sit-for 0.01)
    ; とりあえずプライマリだけ設定しなおしてファイラで開く。
    (setq *filer-primary-directory* filename)
    (message "files+-open-directory: ~A" filename)
    (filer filename t "files+" t)
    (error "files+-open-directory: done")))
(add-hook '*before-find-file-hook* 'files+-open-directory)

(defun files+-drag-and-drop-hook (window files)
  ; プライマリとセカンダリの設定だけして
  ; 実際のファイラのオープンはfiles+-open-directoryに任せる。
  (when (and (car files)
             (cadr files)
             (file-directory-p (car files))
             (file-directory-p (cadr files)))
    (setq *filer-primary-directory* (car files))
    (setq *filer-secondary-directory* (cadr files)))
  (default-drag-and-drop-hook window files))
(setq *drag-and-drop-hook* #'files+-drag-and-drop-hook)

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; 機能:[送る]で任意のフォルダをgrep
;;; 注意:使用する前に、SendToの中に"xyzzycli.exe -f files+-grep"という
;;;       ショートカットを作っておくこと
(defvar *files+-grep* nil)
(defvar *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name* " *files+-grep*")

(defun files+-grep ()
  ; コマンドラインではフラグだけを立てて
  ; 実際のgrepはfiles+-grep-directoryに任せる。
  (setq *files+-grep* t))

(defun files+-grep-directory (filename)
  (when (and (file-directory-p filename)
    (message "files+-grep-directory: ~A" filename)
    (setq *files+-grep* nil)
    (let (*grep-directory-name-hook* text)
      (setq *grep-directory-name-hook* #'(lambda () filename))
      (if (get-selection-type)
          ; セレクションがあればその内容でgrepする。
          ; セレクションがなければクリップボードの内容でgrep
          ; ただし、作業用のバッファにセレクションを作ってgrep-dialogする。
          (if (find-buffer *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*)
              (delete-buffer *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*))
          (get-buffer-create *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*)
          (with-output-to-buffer (*files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*)
            (setup-temp-buffer *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*)
            (set-buffer *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*)
            (format t "~A" (get-clipboard-data))
          (delete-buffer *files+-grep-temp-buffer-name*))))
    (error "files+-grep-directory: done")))
(add-hook '*before-find-file-hook* 'files+-grep-directory)

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; 機能:バッファバーのコンテキストメニューからエクスプローラを表示
;;; 注意:*buffer-bar-context-menu*を直接書き換えてるのは手抜き
(setq *buffer-bar-context-menu*
        (:item 'close "フォルダ(&F)"
         #'(lambda ()
             (let (dir)
               (if (setq dir (get-short-path-name (map-slash-to-backslash (default-directory))))
                   (execute-shell-command (concat "start " dir))))))))

    (add-hook 'ed::*html+-mode-hook* #'(lambda () (require "html-popup-menu")))
;;  htmlファイルの真ん中あたりで Ctrl + ] または Ctrl + Shift + ]

(defun transpose-selection-down (&optional (n 1))
  "行セレクションを n 行下に移動"
  (interactive "*p")
  (let ((pre-selection-type (get-selection-type))
        (column (current-column)))
    (unless pre-selection-type
      (start-selection 1 t)
      (or (forward-line 1)
          (progn (goto-eol) (insert #\LFD))))
    (selection-start-end (beg end)
      (when (and (goto-char end) (bolp)
                 (goto-char beg) (bolp))
        (insert (prog1
                    (buffer-substring beg end)
                  (delete-region beg end)
                  (forward-line n)
                  (and (minusp (1- (get-window-line)))
                       (recenter 1))
                  (when pre-selection-type
                    (start-selection pre-selection-type t))))
        (unless pre-selection-type
          (forward-line -1)
          (goto-column column))))))
(defun transpose-selection-up (&optional (n 1))
  "行セレクションを n 行上に移動"
  (interactive "*p")
  (transpose-selection-down (- n)))
(global-set-key #\S-M-Down 'transpose-selection-down)
(global-set-key #\S-M-Up 'transpose-selection-up)
;;ESC S-Up            editor::transpose-selection-up
;;ESC S-Down          editor::transpose-selection-down

(defun cursor-pos-display-top()
  (interactive "*p")
                       (recenter 0))
    (global-set-key #\C-S-F12 'cursor-pos-display-top)
    (set-function-bar-label #\C-S-F12 "CursorTop")


(defun clear-temp-buffers()
 (let ((fn))
  (dolist (bf (buffer-list))
	(setq fn (buffer-name bf))
	(when (and fn
		   (equal (schar fn 0) #\*)
		   (not (equal "*scratch*" fn)))
	 ;(msgbox(format nil "<~A>" fn))
	 (delete-buffer bf);否応なしに
  ;(erase-buffer bf);尋ねてくる
    (global-set-key #\C-S-F4 'clear-temp-buffers)
    (set-function-bar-label #\C-S-F4 "*BufKill")

;;(require "isearch")
;; サーチ C-s,C-r
;; サーチ中のMigemoトグル C-e
;; (require "migemo")
;; (migemo-toggle t)               ;C-c m t で on/off トグル デフォルトで on
;; (define-key *isearch-map* #\C-v 'isearch-paste-from-clipboard)  ;isearch でもC-vでペースト
(require "migemo")
(migemo-toggle t)
(define-key *isearch-map* #\C-e 'migemo-toggle)